After months of work, this week my hunter finally got her legendary cloak!
It was the first time I ever even worked on a legendary, and it almost surprised me to make it to the end, and made me quite proud. It felt pretty awesome to be done with this questline from hell at last. I mean sure, some parts of it were fun, but most weren’t,. The RNG Gods can be real jerks and for a moment there I was worried I’d be stuck at 11/12 Titan Runestones until the next reset, but finally the last one dropped and I could go on with my quest.
I didn’t enjoy the PvP part at all, and almost gave up on ever getting my orange cloak right there and then. I’ve never understood why Blizz insists on mixing the PvP with the PvE like this, (like for the School of Hard Knocks achievement, which is required for What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been) as those two things does not mix well together in my opinion. Of course I hate PvP and utterly suck at it, so you may not agree with me and that’s fine, but if I wanted to PvP, I would. But I really don’t. And I hate to be shoved into PvP situations to get a PvE reward. It doesn’t make sense to me, and it never will. There, rant over.
For the past months, week after week, I’ve been going in Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar to get all the items required. I farmed sigils, then secrets and finally Titan runestones. I killed countless enemies, farmed reputation with the Black Prince, even ventured in the unbearable Silvershard Mines and the insufferable Temple of Kotmogu, explored the Timeless Isle and fought the Celestials, and now, after all this time, it is mine.
You know what went through my head when I received this awesome new cloak? Now what?
After a long period of time of working towards a goal, and having a definite list of tasks to accomplish in order to achieve this goal, the you realize you’re done, you can feel a bit lost as to what to do with yourself.
I’m not a raider, not by a long shot (even though I sometimes join my guildmates in a flexible raid) so getting the legendary cloak was pretty much the end of my raiding career in Mists of Pandaria. The entire journey took place in the Raid Finder, and now the only reason to go back in Siege of Orgrimmar would be to gear alts or to help Rekrsive and the guild. So in my case, the easy solution to all this new “free time” on my hands is to level new alts, reorganize my professions, clean my banks and bags and put as much stuff on the auction house as possible. The upcoming weeks/months will be dedicated to making plans to make sure everything is ready for Warlords of Draenor, which could come much sooner than we might expect…